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reflection of graphic design

This year in graphic design I had fun doing the projects and working with photo shop. The illustrator part was not all that fun because it was to complicated. If there was one thing I would change about graphic design is I would not give the test that are given because even when I study I still never made a hundred. Graphic design has been a fun experience other then that and I would like to taker another class like it again someday.

May 10, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

no cell phone and no internet

I really do not use the internet very much because I get bored of it quick. My cell phone however is something very important to me. I need a cell phone so I can talk to friends and never know when there is an emergency. If  I was able to have internet I would not feel like I am missing out on much but if I had no cell phone it would be almost impossible to get hold of my friends. I think everyone  needs a phone but  not just for there luxury but for emergencies. When I am without my phone I feel naked cause I am use to always having it.

May 4, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Memorable gift

The most memorable gift I gave was a check to the Humane Society. For my senior project this year I built a dog house using supplies I purchased with my own money. I sold the dog house to one of my grandmas friends for about one hundred dollars. I took the check to the Humane society after and donated every pennie I made on the dog house. I believe the Humane Society needed that money a lot more than I did.

April 29, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

best advise

My grandma has always been the person  in my family I talk to when I have problems with school, life, or anything else. She gives the best advise and always understands where I am coming from. The best advise she has ever giving me was when I was in middle school, I got into a fight one day because someone said something to me that I did not like. My grandma told me that it doesn’t matter what others think of me and that I should not get so angry when someone says something I don’t like. If I was to get angry I should just turn the other cheek and walk away. This is some good advise because if I was to fight someone every time they said something wrong I would not be here today , I would probably be locked up.

April 21, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

100,000 dollars

If I had 100,000 dollars and I was to give it to someone I would give it to the people living on the streets of New Orleans. I would not give it to just one person because 100,000 could help more than one person out. When I went to New Orleans for Mardigra last year some friends and I took a trip to the poor parts of New Orleans and saw so many bums, it was like bum city. This image is still stuck  in my head till this day, so I think that these people deserve the 100,000 dollars more than anyone else.

April 14, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

a change in life

A week ago I was placed on probation for 12 months because I was caught with a marijuana pipe. This has effected the way I live because I now get drug tested every month for a year. I have not done one thing of homework in four years without getting high first. This experience is still evolving but so far I have figured it takes a lot to just change from what I did everyday to not doing it at all.  It has not been easy but it is teaching me self-disciplin  and that I need not to depend on something that is harming my body everyday.

April 9, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


My room is a place where I can go and chill because the area is decorated and designed the way I like it. If someone came into my room and didn’t know one thing about me they could look at my pictures and posters and know exactly what type of person I am. The pictures and things in my room mean the most to me, more than anything else in the room. My pictures and posters does not agree with todays society. I have pictures of Cheech and Chong, Bob Marley, Hello Brother posters, and legalize it posters.

March 30, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


IF i could give advise to one person in history that person would be J F K. I could tell him what was to happen to him if he rode in the car. History would be changed all around because if i gave him this advise he would have never been assassinated. I believe this is some great advise to give because anybody would want a longer life.

March 23, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Desktop Publishing

This nine weeks in desktop publishing has been fun and interesting. I learned many of new things during the  time spent in desktop publishing. My favorite thing to do was the Concert Tour because I liked to design my own material for my own band. My least favorite activity was having to do the work assignments out of the book. I felt like I was learning new things during book work but it was just no fun.

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Graphic Designer

A graphic designer plans and creates visual solutions to communication problems. They look for the best way to get a message across in an ad or flyer.  A bachelors degree is required and graphic design skills. From 2008 to 2018 the employment in graphic design is expected to raise 13 percent.  The median annual rate of a graphic designer employee is $42,400.

February 24, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment