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Just another weblog

reflection of graphic design

This year in graphic design I had fun doing the projects and working with photo shop. The illustrator part was not all that fun because it was to complicated. If there was one thing I would change about graphic design is I would not give the test that are given because even when I study I still never made a hundred. Graphic design has been a fun experience other then that and I would like to taker another class like it again someday.

May 10, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

no cell phone and no internet

I really do not use the internet very much because I get bored of it quick. My cell phone however is something very important to me. I need a cell phone so I can talk to friends and never know when there is an emergency. If  I was able to have internet I would not feel like I am missing out on much but if I had no cell phone it would be almost impossible to get hold of my friends. I think everyone  needs a phone but  not just for there luxury but for emergencies. When I am without my phone I feel naked cause I am use to always having it.

May 4, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment